Radiography records the amount of radiation that penetrates a volume of interest. The inside of a sample can be examined with the penetrating radiation. The magnitude of the intensity of the radiation that penetrates the volume indicates the attenuation experienced within the volume. Areas of different attenuation can be identified by differences in density, material thickness, attenuation characteristics and material composition by volume. Discontinuities in parts such as voids, inclusions, cracks, can be identified on a generated imaged. Constellation Technology offers the following radiographic inspection capabilities:

225kv cabinet and 320kv exposure room. Film radiography provides a fixed radiographic image for viewing and record.

225 kv, generates a digital image for viewing and record. Equipment provides real-time five axis part manipulation and image enhancement during x-ray evaluation process. Capability provides improved viewing of images for determining part acceptability. Microfocus x-ray additionally allows image magnification to further expand imaging tools.