Corrosion of metals is a costly problem that is often caused by environmental or chemical contamination. Constellation has extensive resources for the evaluation of corrosion residues; the first step in determining the source of the corrosion and determining possible solutions. Localized corrosion on the surface of components can be evaluated using surface techniques, such as Auger and XPS. These provide depth profiling that can not only measure the thickness of the corrosion, but also give insight as to the chemical reactions taking place on the surface of the base metal. The presence of potentially corrosive salts can be detected by ion chromatography. The residue chemistry can be determined using SEM-EDS with trace impurities detected by ICP-AES and ICP-MS. The compounds produced by the corrosion can be identified by x-ray diffraction (XRD). This information allows the customer to identify the source and eliminate the cause of corrosion.